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The overall structure of the Barometer was developed following a participatory design workshop, which identified four core components, a range of potential themes, and a number of cross-cutting issues to be addressed in the structure of the study.

Below is a full list of the topics to be covered within the pilot edition for which researchers will be asked to provide primary data. These include core modules, thematic modules, and snapshot modules. These modules serve to structure the survey for presentation to researchers, analysts, and potential users of GDB data. Although modules may vary in scope and size, their influence on the overall Barometer score will be balanced through weights applied during index calculations.

Core Modules

Governance and capability are core components of the Barometer that have been developed as standalone modules, containing a series of primary indicators designed to provide a country-wide assessment of two of the most critical issue areas related to the development of an effective data ecosystem:

These modules are complemented by additional indicators on governance and capability within the thematic and snapshot modules. The other two core components of the Barometer, availability and use, are assessed primarily through the thematic and snapshot modules.

Thematic Modules

The overall selection of thematic modules for this pilot edition of the Barometer has been based on the desire to cover a range of government functions and a range of sustainable development goals, as well as to benefit from the expertise of partners who are contributing to the in-depth thematic modules. Currently, a range of GDB partners are contributing to the development of the following thematic modules:

Snapshot Modules

In addition to the comprehensive thematic modules, the GDB contains snapshots assessments for several more themes in order to serve the broader data research network and provide continuity with the past editions of the Open Data Barometer. Indicators for these snapshot modules are generally limited to assessing data availability. Snapshots include:

Share your feedback

The list of modules for the pilot edition of the Global Data Barometer is now in final draft status, and is unlikely to significantly change. At this point we welcome feedback on:

  • The proposed indicators under each module.
  • The details of each indicator.
  • Module justifications and in particular, any relevant regional considerations.
  • Potential use cases for the primary data that will be gathered for particular modules.

In particular, we are keen to hear from stakeholders who may make use of data gathered under a particular module, and to identify if there are ways we can ensure the primary data collection carried out best meets stakeholder needs.